Monday, September 15, 2008

Screaming at the Moon

By Jonathan Bert
The Extreme Moderate

September 15, 2008

The Moon beckons me to scream, and there isn’t any shortage of things to scream about. Let’s start with the U. S. Presidential race.

John McCain, a former moderate, is pulling out all stops to get elected. He has abandoned any sign of moderation in an effort to appease the extreme right. Scream.

You could search the Ozarks for a lifetime and not find a hillbilly more backward than his VP pick. The former beauty queen likes to hunt moose, and if she sees a stray dinosaur she’d probably plug that too.

McCain is 72 and has been treated several times for a deadly cancer. Sarah Palin would be the most stupidly extreme President in our history. Do the math.

Barack Obama would be almost as bad, but not quite. He’s extreme but not as stupid. I have to endorse him as the lesser of two evils.

Why, John, why have you forsaken us? There is no way you could seriously consider that pit bull in lipstick good for the country.

I’ve never been an alcoholic, but that may change.

Third party and independent candidates don’t have a chance, and even they aren’t all that pretty. There is no denying that Ralph Nader is insane.

Gotta face it, the cars in this race are a bunch of smoke blowing Edsels.

Another subject, please.

The deadly train crash in California appears to have been caused by an engineer that was text messaging. The stupid tend to take themselves out, too bad he took 23 others with him.

Anybody that thinks privatizing Social Security may be a good idea, take a look at the privatized Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac. Privatizing SS is just another Republican plot to shovel money to their buddies. Working people would get it up the dark side.

Federal laws encourage health institutions to dump excess drugs into the sewage system, where they can get into the environment and deform frogs and probably us. Chalk another one up to the right wing anti-drug movement.

Democrats will take more taxes out of your paycheck. With Republicans running the economy, you don't get a paycheck!

I’ve been screaming so much I’ve gotten hoarse. Count Dracula. The Mummy. Sarah Palin. Think about them then try getting some sleep. Good night.


The cup is half full of something I don't like said...

I'm screaming along with you. There is an additional problem with the drugs in the sewage. A town in the south east (I can't remember where) had a brilliant idea. They decided to make gold out of . . . well . . . poop. They used the solid waste out of their sewage to make electricity and then used the liquid and some solids to fertilize fields. The waste actually makes great fertilizer, except the heavy metals and drugs we flush made the cows that were eating the grass sick. Entire heards had to be put down.

Anonymous said...

McCain need to get a CT scan, the cancer is back and has spread to his brain.

Inspector Clouseau said...

I'm very disappointed in McCain. It appears that his handlers convinced him to become somewhat of a "Bush clone," just to get elected. He's actually one of the last people that I suspected would do that, and he caved in. He obviously feels that the end is more important than the means.