Monday, December 15, 2008

Put America Back to Work!

By Jonathan Bert
The Extreme Moderate

December 15, 2008

I am sick of bailouts and loans for big businesses. This is still following the “Trickle Down” ideas from the Reagan years, and the middle class has suffered for decades because of this backward economic principle. We have got to reverse gears, get the money to flow up!

America needs jobs! While the little guys would love have money handed to them, like it is being handed to big financial firms, and soon to big car companies, most are very willing to work for it. Give Americans a regular paycheck and they will pay their bills, and buy new stuff. In a consumer driven economy, keep the consumer behind the wheel. Giving big business free money will just give them a license to keep their foot on the middle class’ throat.

Not that a lot of the middle class didn’t bring this treatment upon themselves. Reagan was the guy that figured out that if you get the ignorant among us frothing at the mouth over issues like gay marriage and abortion you could shove the screws up our butts and still get praised as great leaders.

Hey, the Democrats can fix this, they’ve always fought for the little guy! Say what? They want to shove billions to the big screw-ups instead of using the money for job creation? Do we have any friends? Don’t answer, I don’t want to hear it. We might also remember how much responsibility Democrats have for some of the trade agreements that shipped millions of jobs out of the country, with the crazy idea that we could compete with countries that don’t have OSHA and where trade unionists are shot. What would these guys do with a brain if they had one?

Franklin Roosevelt pulled us out of the Great Depression by putting America to work. Now, with all of our money going to bail out the big screws, can a job program be funded? Can we create a job program without big corporate interests demanding their cut?

Our new President will have to be strong, real strong, to do what’s needed to put America back to work, while making the bigwigs realize it will be good for them, too. Otherwise, we will witness the fall of the Great American Empire.


Douglas said...

You need to do a little research on FDR. Mostly myth. What pulled us out of the Depression was the start up of the war in Europe.

Did you know the unemployment rate in 1940 was 15%? That was down from 25% in 1933. But still well more than twice what we face today.

Here's an interesting timeline:

Nothing is ever quite like we're told.

Inspector Clouseau said...

You what Jonathan, for many years I was fortunate enough to have a professional career and make more money than I deserved. However, when I came to my hometown to visit a few years ago, I would go to the local temporary agency and work there for $5.75 - $6.25 per hour. Although I do not know how people can live on that, that is not the point of my comment.

The agency would open at 5:30 am. Folks would start lining up at 5 am. Some rode bicycles, many walked. Sometimes it was cold, snowing, or raining. I watched these guys work. After awhile, I identified those who I could depend on to perform jobs for me.

I'll tell you this, these are the same fellas who America, in particular our leaders, claim are unwilling to work, or unwilling to work at minimum wage. That's a bunch of B.S.

I agree with you. We need to put America back to work.

Jonathan Bert said...

It will be a long, hard road to recovery. A 40% percent reduction in unemployment is not to be sneezed at, too bad it took seven years. Sorry, there aren't going to be any miracles, and hopefully no more war.