Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Barking at the Moon

By Jonathan Bert
The Extreme Moderate

July 16, 2008

The Moon is getting full, and some primal instinct makes me want to howl.

John McCain is known for being weak on economic issues, and now his top economic adviser has shown himself a total idiot. Do you think $4 gasoline and record home foreclosures are all in your head? He does.
According to anecdotal evidence, the prevalence of drug testing is encouraging drug users to switch from Marijuana, which is detectable for weeks, to Cocaine and Meth, which disappear in a few days and are easily masked. If true, this is not a good trend.

Right wingers are trying to paint Barack Obama as a Muslim. He is not a Muslim, plus there is nothing wrong with being a Muslim. It’s wrong to be a murderous religious lunatic, as not only are some Muslims, but some of those “Christian” right wingers. How many senseless deaths have they encouraged in Iraq?

The Minnesota Senate race is real interesting. With all the Bozos already in Congress, they have a chance to elect an actual clown! Al Franken should campaign wearing a big red nose.

Jesse Jackson is a joke. He also should wear a big red nose. ‘Nuff said.

If cows are responsible for so much Global Warming, why isn’t Wisconsin tropical?

It took the FAA 14 years to figure out why airplanes blow up in mid-air, and now is giving airlines 10 years to fix it. Who needs terrorists?

Republicans accuse Democrats of being “Tax and Spend.” Republicans just spend as if they have a stolen credit card. We will never dig ourselves out of the hole they’re putting us in. Don’t believe for a minute that Republicans know how to handle an economy.

The candidates are courting the Hispanic vote, the Black vote, the Female vote, and the Youth vote. Being an old white man, I wanna cry.

Gays are getting married, in places like California and Massachusetts, as fast as they can. How long before we see gays on “Divorce Court?” That should be interesting, if not nauseating.

I don’t have anything against gay marriage, but it won’t be long before gays are against gay marriage. You folks are getting exactly what you wished for.

Dick Cheney’s little outfit, Brown, Root and Kellogg, is getting a reputation for electrocuting our soldiers. What a racket. Overcharging us on no-bid contracts, and doing shoddy work. Hell of a way to support our troops. It’s just supporting Cheney and his buddies. Supporting them very well, in fact.

Brett Favre wants to get back in the National Football League. Being one of the all time greats, it would be a shame if that stupid, stupid interception was his last professional play.

The men in the white coats want to put me back in my cage. Sleep well.


Witches Corner - Place for free information on witchcraft said...

I like your blog. I am offficially a subscriber!

Sam Spurlock said...

this was like one two punch a hit from the left a hit from the right way to be middle of the road.

The cup is half full of something I don't like said...

Thank you.

I've reworked some 1960's era protest folk music. There seems to be a lot in common between then and now.

I've linked to you.

My hope for voting 3rd party isn't actually that they will win, at least not the presidency. My hope is that they will win enough votes to qualify for public financing the next election (which I believe is 5%). That should also be enough support for the 3rd party to start building a base in congress. Both the dems and the repubs have gotten way to comfortable.

The cup is half full of something I don't like said...

The left does nothing. The right does nothing. It's like they counter each other out completely. I find Lou Dobbs to be self-important but I think congress needs more of his position.

Snotty McSnotterson said...

I'm pretty liberal, but I agree with most of what you're saying--I like the term 'extreme moderate', as well. I guess I'll check out what you have to say on abortion (next topic) and we'll go from there. :) Solid writing.